Our Mission
We believe that by helping brands and business leaders promote civic engagement, we can shift the culture around voting and strengthen our democracy. The Civic Responsibility Project is the coordinating hub for nonprofits, brands, and influencers working to create a vibrant civic culture in the United States.
Our Team
Our team of advisors is made up of business leaders, philanthropists, and democracy experts from across the political spectrum. We work together because voter participation is not a partisan issue.
Adam Ambrogi
Chief of External Affairs, League of Women Voters
Alana Hadid
Co-founder and Creative Director, La Detresse
Ashley Spillane
Founder, Civic Responsibility Project President, Impactual LLC
Brett Loper
Senior Vice President, American Express, Former Chief of Staff, Rep. John Boehner
Sarah Longwell
President and CEO, Longwell Partners, Inc
Emil Hill
Senior Vice President Communications Government Programs, United Healthcare
Katrina Gamble
Senior Advisor to Democracy is Good for Business, Founder, Sojourn Strategies, LLC
Sheena Mollineau
Corporate Responsibility, PwC
Victor Nguyen-Long
Creative Strategist and
Former Brand Manager, Nike and Audi
Lindsay Singleton
Managing Director,
ROKK Solutions